Battery Running Out : What to do when cell phone drains fast

if your battery is running out quickly and preventing you from using your smartphone as you would like, this content will undoubtedly help you.

Even with all the technology available in today’s smartphones, it is still quite common for users to complain about the battery running out quickly. The problem is that we are used to solving our lives with the help of smartphones, whether to send messages, work, record moments, pay bills. When we can’t, frustration sets in.

How to solve battery running out problem fast?

First of all, it is important that you understand that apps are constantly updated and demand more and more from devices. In other words, a cell phone that is two or three years old will not have the same performance as a new device .

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But anyway, there are some simple actions you can take and have an excellent result.
restart the device
That’s right what you read, simply restart your phone. Many system errors in electronics and telephony devices can be resolved with a simple system reset.

This is because in this action, the device closes all applications and resets the consumption of memory and processing necessary to keep the software running. In this way, with the decrease of applications running, the device consumes less energy and, consequently, the battery lasts longer.

Update apps

Another simple action you can take is to keep an eye out for updates to your apps and your phone’s operating system. Remember that the companies responsible for these software work daily in search of improvements for the users of their applications.

Not making updates can impair the performance of the APP’s functionality, in addition to consuming more battery.

Check charger

It is also important to check that your device’s charger is working properly. For this, be aware that at the end of charging your cell phone really has 100% full battery. Otherwise, it is worth testing with another charger.

Adjust brightness

Are you one of those people who likes to use the screen with a lot of brightness? Did you know that depending on your cell phone settings, this can be the biggest consumer of energy on your smartphone, spending even more than the processor itself?

Therefore, it is worth checking and changing these settings. Your eyes and your cell phone battery will thank you.

Do a factory reset

There is also the option to do a factory reset on your device, but the ideal thing is that you only use this feature if you have not been able to apply the previous tips.

This is because the cell phone reverts to its original settings as a new device. In other words, you eliminate virtually all smartphone data like images, passwords, app settings and everything else. Don’t forget to make a backup if you opt for a factory reset.

Look for technical assistance

You can also look for an authorized service center to investigate the reason for the battery running out quickly.

In this case, a specialized professional will be able to analyze your cell phone software and suggest the best ways to solve the problem.

Battery running out fast? Find out how to preserve it!

As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So, here are some tips that will help you save energy on your cell phone and prevent you from suffering from this problem.

  • When not in use, keep Wi-fi and mobile networks off to save battery power;
  • Disable app notifications, it may seem silly, but the feature requires the software to keep working in the background, wasting energy;
  • Keep applications always up to date for better performance;
  • Avoid exposing your device to heat, the high temperature can damage the batteries;
  • Watch out for apps. There are some high power consumption that can make your battery low. See in the settings (Android) or in settings (iOS), which software uses the most energy and clean the unnecessary ones.
  • How to charge the cell phone and not suffer from the battery running out?
  • It is also important to take some measures when charging the cell phone for better performance, both from the device and from the battery.

Manufacturers recommend, for example, the use of original chargers to ensure that the device will receive the correct voltage. Not to mention, of course, security, given that parallel models can cause damage to the cell phone and even to the user himself.
Unlike older models, current cell phones normally made with lithium-ion batteries can be harmed when reaching 0% to charge. In fact, the ideal is for the device to present levels from 10% to 80%.

Another change from the old batteries to the current ones is that it is no longer necessary to reach 0% for the first recharge, nor to reach 100%. In other words, the first recharge is like any other.

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